2024 Helenas Big Tree Competition!

To encourage appreciation of our big mature trees, we are launching a friendly and fun competition to find a Maple tree in Helena, MT with the biggest circumference! The winner can take home a $200 gift certificate to Gardenwerks- enough to purchase your very own tree!
Eligibility Rules:
1. Tree must be in Helena Montana (city limits)
2. Tree must be an Elm species!
3. You must be a Growing Friends Member
4. Tree circumference must be measured at 4.5 feet (roughly chest height) from the ground.
How do you become a member? Our members, over 250 of them, support us by contributing an annual donation. Our organization is run solely by these donations and our all-volunteer board of directors. You can sign up to become a member and provide a donation on our website or mail $20 or more to Growing Friends of Helena, PO Box 709, Helena, MT 59624,
Competition rules:
1. Take a picture of your tree and tell us the total circumference of the tree. Send this picture and total circumference to our PO box or to our email [email protected]
2. Include your name and contact information
3. Tell us the location of the tree
4. If possible, identify the type of elm (must be an ulmus- no hackberries!)
5. Deadline: November 1st, 2024 (electronic or by mail).
6. Show up at our annual members meeting on November 7th from 6:30-8PM at Ten Mile Brewery.
We will announce the winner there!